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My University Writing Journal by Helene J. Uchida

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Eighty-one student-focused topics triggering self-expression in English: my family, my hometown, my hobby, my blood type, making new friends, campus fashion, Mixi/Facebook, after graduation, etc.

"I learned a lot of useful knowledge in this class using this book. First, I could learn how interesting it is to write my opinion. The text also gave me a richer vocabulary. Second, I learned the way of writing. It'll be helpful when I look back at this book years later, I felt the difficulty of writing sometimes, but it got easier as time went by. I understood not only the form of writing but also the pleasure of expressing myself and giving my own opinion."

Seinan Gakuen University student, Fukuoka
Level: University
Product Size: A4
Number of Pages: 85

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