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TEMI Gratitude Journal submissions(about your student success stories) are now being accepted. (Open to TEMI members only)

by Book Store

TEMI Gratitude Journal submissions

I know the pandemic has presented problems for all of us, but it really looks like we have all found ways to grow in spite of the challenges. Thank you for your dedication and fortitude.

I know for sure, now, more than ever, that we all have stories to share about the wonder of teaching English. Last year our “TEMI Gratitude Journal” was warmly received by so many of our TEMI teachers. This year, I would like to invite you to again share your student success stories with fellow TEMI members for our upcoming “TEMI Gratitude Journal” which we will send to TEMI members in December. We want to put the spotlight on you and your precious students.

You can write in English or Japanese. About 500 words will be fine. I will be happy to edit for you.
Just please write from your heart and tell us true stories of how your students surprised or moved you.

The deadline is November 8th.
Please send your submission to Sakiko Kojima and she will forward to me. Yes, a picture to accompany your article would be welcome if you have one. If not, that is okay too.

Thank you for being TEMI Teachers and for making a difference with English education in Japan. I really look forward to reading your stories!


(Open to TEMI members only)

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